JFSC educates national security professionals to plan and execute operational-level joint, multinational, and interagency operations, and instills in them a primary commitment to joint, multinational, and interagency teamwork, attitudes, and perspectives.
NDU develops joint warfighters and other national security leaders through rigorous academics, research, and engagement to serve the common defense.
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The 2023 commencement for the NDU's Norfolk, Va.-based Joint Forces Staff College (JFSC) was held on
Joint Forces Staff College hosts National Defense University's Senior Leader offsite, followed by the Board of Visitors quarterly meeting May 21-24th, 2023.
Chief of the National Guard Bureau, General Daniel R. Hokanson visits the Joint Forces Staff College, is inducted into the National Defense University Hall of Fame, and speaks to the college about National Guard matters.
JFSC marked its 75th anniversary on 13 Aug 2021. Over the course of its history, JFSC has endured
Joint and Combined Warfighting School (JCWS) returns to in-person learning after nearly two years of virtual classes.
Links to the recordings of JFSC's 2022 observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, held virtually on January 18th, 2022. Includes full text of BG Voris McBurnette's speech.
On November 8th 2021, JFSC hosted Dr. Cynthia Watson, Interim Provost, National Defense University.
On December 15th 2020, U.S. Marine Corps Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr., Commander of the United States Central Command, visited the Joint Forces Staff College to address JFSC faculty and JAWS students.
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Read Issues of Campaigning: The Journal of the Joint Forces Staff College