The JCWS Satellite Program was originally authorized by Congress in the 2012 NDAA as a five-year test, which was conducted in Tampa in support of USCENTCOM and USSOCOM. That test was successful and Congress authorized expansion of the program in the 2016 NDAA. Satellite classes run concurrently with the resident schedule.
Students are nominated by the CCMDs and approved by the Services. The CCMDs will typically start soliciting interest in satellite classes 90 prior to class start. Contact your J-1 if you are interested in a satellite class.
1. The JCWS Satellite Program is tasked to offer each Combatant Command (CCMD) headquarters one full satellite class every other year. To achieve this task, there is an annual class offered at the two dual-CCMD sites (Tampa, Florida and Stuttgart, Germany).
2. The JCWS-S rotation is as follows:

3. Student nomination process.
a. Nomination and approval.
(1) CCMDs nominate students for satellite seminars. To be considered for nomination, the individual must be on the CCMD staff, their Service Component staffs, or units supporting either of these.
(a) If an individual does not fall into one of these three categories, they may contact the respective J1 and ask for consideration. However, while this approach is possible, it has never been successful.
(b) Nomination decisions are made by the CCMD. JFSC is not part of that process.
(2) Services approve or reject those nominations. Training and education are Service responsibilities outlined in Title 10, USC. The Services exercise this responsibility and have rejected 4 of over 400 nominations to date.
b. Prerequisites for JCWS-S are the same as the JCWS Resident Program.
c. While the nomination process may vary from one CCMD to another, it generally follows a 90-60-30-day model.
(1) 90 days prior to a satellite class starting, the hosting CCMD(s) will initiate a staff process for the directorates to nominate students.
(2) 60 days prior to a satellite class starting, the hosting CCMD(s) will submit their nominations to the respective Services for approval.
(3) 30 days prior to a satellite class starting, the JCWS-S Program Manager will send an email to all approved students with detailed instructions for registration and other items of interest. The JFSC Registrar will also post registration instructions.
Note: If you are nominated and approved, please ensure that you respond as soon as possible to the JCWS-S PM emails. With a limited window available, JFSC will press the respective J1 POCs to replace any student we cannot contact.
d. If potential students have the opportunity to attend the JCWS Resident Program, strongly consider taking that opportunity. The 18 seats in the satellite classroom equate to approximately five slots per Service every other year (one or two for Marines). We normally see a list of ten or more alternates per class. If you choose to pass up an opportunity to attend in residence, you may not get that opportunity with the satellite.
e. While the satellite seminars are open to O-6 students, the course is designed as an intermediate program (O-4 and O-5). The JCWS Resident Program has at least two seminars per class for senior students that is tailored to better meet their needs. For O-6s, the satellite will give a good education and JPME II credit; the resident senior seminars will give a more relevant education and JPME II credit.
4. Costs.
a. There are no costs associated with the satellite class itself. However, there may be minimal costs associated with offsite events and staff rides.
b. If the CCMD chooses to nominate a student that is not at the headquarters, the CCMD is responsible for travel and per diem costs.
c. Joint Transition Course (JTC). The JTC is offered at JFSC in Norfolk, VA, the week prior to class starting. Attendance is required in the following situations:
(1) If a U.S. officer receives a Direct Entry Waiver (see Note 4), the CCMD must fund JTC attendance.
(2) If a civilian or International officer is nominated, the CCMD must fund JTC attendance. If the nominee is a JPME I graduate, a waiver from Joint Staff J7 is possible.
5. For additional information about the JCWS Satellite Program, email JCWS Satellite Program Manager.