John Ruedisueli
Assistant Professor
John Ruedisueli is currently serving at the National Defense University’s Joint Forces Staff College as an assistant professor in the Joint and Combined Warfighting School in Norfolk, Virginia. He has 14 years of experience working with multinational, nongovernmental, and interagency partners in the formation and execution of US Foreign Policy in Latin America and in the National Capital Region. Most recently, John was the military advisor to the President of the Inter-American Defense Board where he provided direction and strategic guidance to the president and his staff. He also lead the Board’s planning team to develop the next 20 year strategic plan in support of their efforts to become more integral and supportive to the Organization of the American States (OAS). He served as military and defense attaché in Bolivia, Brazil, and Surinam; attended the Uruguayan Command and General Staff College, and coordinated US Southern Command’s efforts in support of the coalition building conferences in Warsaw, Poland with the ministries of defense from Central America and the Caribbean during operations in Iraq. Mr. Ruedisueli graduated from Western Michigan University was a degree in Spanish and English and received his master’s degree in Latin American Studies from Ohio University. Mr. Ruedisueli was selected to present his paper at the University of Texas on the Military Dictatorships of Latin America and how democracy was the principle factor in the surge of dictatorships in the region during the Cold War. He has spoken often about US Military Objectives in Latin America and the importance of leveraging all elements of national power to achieve our National Security goals. John is fluent in Spanish and Portuguese and has lived in Germany, Uruguay, Bolivia, Brazil, and El Salvador.
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