
Tag: Acculturation

Feb. 14, 2019

Toward a More Lethal, Flexible, and Resilient Joint Force: Rediscovering the Purpose of JPME II

JFSC Faculty, Charles Davis and Frederick R. Kienle published "Toward a More Lethal, Flexible, and Resilient Joint Force: Rediscovering the Purpose of JPME II" in Joint Forces Quarterly. Published JFQ 92, 22 Jan 2019.

Feb. 14, 2019

Relevancy to the Joint Force

The Institutional Research, Assessment, and Accreditation Division (IRAAD) within Joint Forces Staff College, National Defense University conducted a thorough review of Geographic Combatant Command, Functional Combatant Command, and JPME-II student feedback and have published it's analysis on JFSC's "Relevancy to the Joint Force", published Sept 2017.